CSB members prepay for growler and howler fills at a discounted rate. Discounts for you - community support for us!

We enroll new members 4x a year.

Sketchbook’s CSB program currently includes more than 600 people—and is an industry phenom. Check out this Thrillist article which cites us as an example.

Pricing (pre-tax)

1 growler fill a month for 6 months         $85

2 growler fills a month for 6 months      $155

1 growler fill a month for 12 months       $155

2 growler fills a month for 12 months     $295


  • Members receive 10% off all additional beer purchases, including taproom pours! They also receive 20% off merchandise and 10% off space rental.

  • A few times a year we shut down to the general public and invite members for exclusive parties. Grab a beer and come hang out in the brewery with us for a few hours.

  • Sketchbook is flexible about the way members claim their beer. Your membership entitles you to a certain # of fills over a certain # of months. You can claim them one/month, or in bunches! We track that on our database.

  • A growler is a 64 oz jug that holds your beer. We'll give you one when you sign up, and if you have some around already we'll fill those. We'll also fill 32 oz howlers.

  • Totally.

  • Yes. While we encourage the fresher and more sustainable practice of growler-chugging, we get it. Sometimes cans rock. We offer CSB’ers a chance to substitute a 4-pack when ordering their fill online, and in stores. NOTE: at this time, this offer only applies to base=price 4-packs, and cans are not always available for all styles. When ordering online, go to the 64oz growler member fill item and check the 4-pack option.

  • According to the Brewers Association: “While fresh beer is at its best after opening a bottle or can, we have reports that if kept refrigerated and unopened a grower is at it’s best within a week. Once opened, the beer should be consumed within 24 hours.”

  • Memberships start on each quarter. Sign up through our web store or in the taproom.