Sketching @ Sketchbook: How one simple idea launched a thousand coasters...and a Member Give-Away

It was Matt and Tara Kosloski, Sketchbook co-founders, who had the idea back in May, just after we opened the Tap Room.  They designed a coaster that invites Tap Room customers to doodle and draw on the back.  To sketch, because, well, we're Sketchbook.

We loved this idea because Sketchbook believes in MAKING THINGS and the power of our hands to surprise us. Every day since we opened (almost two years ago), we count on the sheer pleasure of seeing what happens when we make something new. 

So, we printed the coasters.

And bought a bunch of colored pencils.

And then something kinda remarkable happened--our customers drew--and drew!


We decided to feature a coaster a week, and our peeps seemed to respond to the gentle competition. We got creatures...

and patterns...


 People are laying it down--whimsical, personal, even x-rated (we are not sharing those).   Check out the use of texture in this one...

and this conceptual take...


We've added more boards...

and welcome kids pitching in...

Now, we are launching a month-long Coaster Contest!  Come in and  create and post a coaster in our Tap Room, you will be eligible to receive a  FREE 6-month membership ($81 value). 

So, please come in and draw at Sketchbook--you don't have to be a member to draw a coaster. And, we are hosting a great drawing event on Wednesday October 29th...part of Big Draw Evanston. 

Alice George